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BELTEI International School Offers 5 Main Programs such as: 1- Khmer General Education | 2- ESL Program | 3- Skills Training Program | 4- Computer Training Program | 5- International Test Preparation Courses

4- General Admission Requirements


A- Pre-Grade One

Any student who enrolls in pre-Grade 1 must be at least 5 years old.

B- Primary, Junior and High School (Grade 1-12)

  1. Any student who enrolls in Grade one of General Education must have a Birth Certificate proving the age of at least 70 months (6 years old) as of August 1.
  2. The students who transfer from other schools from Grade 4-9 must attach with their previous student academic performance record (if available) and student study record. On the other hand, The Grade 10-12 students who transfer from other schools must attach an extra document – 3 certified copies of Junior High School certificate from the City Hall and the original one to be authenticated.
  3. Any Primary, Junior and High School student who doesn’t have any of the documents above are asked to take the test in order to measure the ability before enrollment. For further information, please contact our BELTEI campus within your neighborhood.
  4. The students’ guardians or parents have to fill out the application form including student’s brief biography, internal regulation of BELTEI, and personal phone number.
  5. Attach a copy of Birth Certificate or a copy of Family Book and 5 photos (4×6).
  6. Other transferred documents would be done by BELTEI free of charge.

I-General Education Programs

Class Books

Preschool 1:
-Phonics 1, Preschool English Book 1, Khmer Studies, Coloring Book, VCD Program
Preschool 2:

-Phonics 2, Preschool English Book 2, Khmer Studies, Coloring Book, VCD Program
Preschool 3:
-Phonics 3 & Phonics 4, Conversation Preschool 3, VCD Program
Preschool 4:

-Phonics 5 & Phonics 6, Conversation Preschool 4
,VCD Program

B-Primary School(1-6)
  1. Khmer Studies
  2. Math
  3. Social Studies (Civil Civic, Morality, Arts, Social Education)
  4. Practical Science
  5. English
  6. Physical Education
  7. Computer
C-Junior High School(7-9)
  1. Khmer Studies
  2. Math
  3. Social Studies (Morality, Civil, House Education, Geography, History)
  4. Science (Physic, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Science)
  5. English
  6. Physical Education
  7. Computer
D-High School(10-12)
  1. Khmer Studies
  2. Math
  3. Social Studies (Morality, Civil, House Education, Geography, History)
  4. Science (Physic, Chemistry, Biology, Earth Science)
  5. English
  6. Physical Education
  7. Computer


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